I’m constantly getting calls where I’m asked if this is the “Cash for Gold” place. And truthfully, it’s not. That’s NOT our name. We are Houston Gold Merchants, of course – and giving cash for gold is what we do, but that’s not WHO we are.
That name actually belongs to another business. And because I’m an ethical guy, I always hesitate when people ask me if we’re the cash for gold place…because I’m torn. We DO buy gold, and we do pay in cash, but that’s not our official name. So what I’ve decided to do is to go on record with this information so that there’s no question about my motivation or intention.
Because that name is owned by another firm, I will no longer say “yes” to the “Is this cash for gold” question. I’m going to say “We give cash for gold, yes” and leave it at that. Nobody wants a twenty minute speech on the legal restrictions and copy right infringement implications of my answer, so I’m just going to say “We pay cash for gold, yes…and we buy silver, too.”
That way, I’m giving people the right answer, but not confusing them or putting them to sleep with my lengthy answers…
So – henceforth. Yes, we give cash for gold, but we are not, and have never been Cash for Gold, Cash 4 Gold or any combination of the two…we’re Houston Gold Merchants. And we’ll always give you a fair deal…now we need a catchy slogan…