What’s Next for Gold?

Is gold finished? Are these last few months gold’s death knell? Hardly. While the dollar has been the reserve currency for the last forty years, gold has been the world’s “reserve currency” for centuries. Its undoing will not be at the hands of the Federal Reserve Bank and a hodgepodge of fiscal policies cobbled together…

Gold Buyers in Houston?

Here’s a quick note to all the gold buyers in Houston. Most signs point to current trends as a buying opportunity, including the news that yesterday, Egan Jones, the little credit rating agency that could (you key remember them as the gutsy little outfit that downgraded the United States credit rating TWICE IN A YEAR…

The Gold Standard In Smooth

Seriously, how smooth is Spain. After asking for direct capitalization of its banks in an effort to bypass the austerity requirements that are commingled with ECB loans, Spain called a last minute press conference today to declare its intention to ask for financing through normal channels in an effort to stave off its growing debt…

BIggest Single Day Point Drop In Seven Months Leaves Down Below 200 DMA

Gold has now outperformed equities for 2012, and though we’re only halfway through the year, there’s good reason to believe that precious metals will continue to hold or outperform stocks. Here are the reasons why: 1) Japan’s aging population and recently renovated-through-natural-disaster infrastructure is under-performing and will directly affect our ability to sell electronics and…