sell gold

Smoke and Mirrors, It’s Fantasyland

The powers that be are circling the wagons in Europe, trying to figure out how to make every effort to convince people of two things, each of which is virtually impossible: 1) That the various disparate European powers actually CAN come to terms on a coherent, consistent financial stabilization plan where all countries are held…

BIggest Single Day Point Drop In Seven Months Leaves Down Below 200 DMA

Gold has now outperformed equities for 2012, and though we’re only halfway through the year, there’s good reason to believe that precious metals will continue to hold or outperform stocks. Here are the reasons why: 1) Japan’s aging population and recently renovated-through-natural-disaster infrastructure is under-performing and will directly affect our ability to sell electronics and…

Facebook’s Stock Price

In light of the incredible hype machine that propelled Facebook onto every front page and magazine cover and lead story in the nation, the performance of the stock-to-save-mankind could only be described as…uh, well…flat. Analysts were all atwitter (no pun intended) with what was expected to be the greatest IPO in the history of the…