Buy Gold

Gold Prices are Going Up

Gold prices continued to climb on Black Friday, reaching $1750 at the close. Silver prices are also edging higher on fears that a dysfunctional US Congress will not be able to reach a compromise and avert the fiscal cliff crisis. Some of the increase in gold prices can be attributed to the debasement of the…

Are You a Gold Buyer?

If you’re a gold buyer in Houston or anywhere else, you may be thinking you’ve missed your chance. But I could sell you some Apple stock at $300/share and you’d probably take that deal in hindsight. (Apple touched $700/share today) Gold is the same type of opportunity. Fear in the market is going to continue…

Smoke and Mirrors, It’s Fantasyland

The powers that be are circling the wagons in Europe, trying to figure out how to make every effort to convince people of two things, each of which is virtually impossible: 1) That the various disparate European powers actually CAN come to terms on a coherent, consistent financial stabilization plan where all countries are held…