Buy Gold

BIggest Single Day Point Drop In Seven Months Leaves Down Below 200 DMA

Gold has now outperformed equities for 2012, and though we’re only halfway through the year, there’s good reason to believe that precious metals will continue to hold or outperform stocks. Here are the reasons why: 1) Japan’s aging population and recently renovated-through-natural-disaster infrastructure is under-performing and will directly affect our ability to sell electronics and…

When Buying Gold – What to Look For?

With the release of the latest Confidence Board’s depressing results –  the lowest since May of 1980, the opportunity for buying gold remain abundant. If you are not diversifying with precious metals, you’re missing your “Apple” moment. No doubt, two years ago thousands of investors looked at Apple (APPL) when it was $200 a share and said,…

Is California the New Greece?

California’s recent budget struggles are well known. For years the state has struggled with a constitutional amendment that required all new spending to be voter approved in an ongoing series of have-it-now-pay-for-it-later referendums. Well, combined with some shady accounting practices, which are apparently all the rage these days, it looks like California’s financial crisis is…

Expect Gold to Climb in the Next Few Weeks

Channel stuffing, the practice that GM uses to give the appearance of increased sales is a subject which I’ve written about several times. Recent revisions by the GAO indicate that channel stuffing is responsible for 1.2% of the 2.3% anemic growth last quarter… That means the economy is not only NOT recovering, it’s stalling. Buy…