Best Place to Sell Silverware in Houston

If you’re looking for the best place to sell silver in Houston – and by “best” we mean a group who’s honest and won’t make you feel like you need a shower because the whole process is so creepy, then try Houston Gold Merchants. Although we like showers in general – rain showers, bridal showers,…


So We’re Gold Merchants…We Buy Gold. But wait – we buy watches.

So we’ve survived the contraction…still have our two stores, though we briefly flirted with three…our northernmost store went away…but here’s the deal. We’re still buying gold. Just not in the quantity it came in before…but we still buy gold jewelry, gold coins, gold almost anything else…silverware, silver jewelry…we’re still doing that. But we’re going to…


Why is gold going down in price?

Why is the price of gold going down? There are a million reasons, one of which is that the market is rigged and it goes the way it’s directed to go. But there are other factors at play that affect the price of gold. Historical, economic, political…all these sectors have an effect. Here’s a little…
