The Price of Gold is Going…

For now – down. But why? It’s been going up for years…and people constantly come into my store and say “Yeah, but it’ll go back up again…” as if they have some insight that I don’t have… Man, if only I could be as confident…it’ll go back up? When. Tell me when it is and…


Gold and Silver Buyer in Houston

A lot of folks are probably wondering if the big gold rush passed them by. The answer is no. Although the government is fond of generating lots of data that indicate that things are improving economically, it’s pretty safe to assume that there’s still a huge gap between where we were before the crash and where…


Physical Gold VS ETFs

Exchange Traded Funds (or ETFs), have become increasingly popular in the last few years. Funds with names like GLD and SLV have begun to allow investors to move into commodities markets – markets into which historically, only the heartiest investors have dared tread. But now by buying an ETF, an investor who buys into a…
